Is anxiety taking over your life? Does it feel like you can’t control it no matter how hard you try?
I utilize evidence-based and cutting edge therapies to help you decrease parasitic anxiety, harness worry energy in productive ways, and implement skills that help you gain resiliency.
Physical symptoms of anxiety:
- Nervousness, restlessness or being tense
- Feelings of danger, panic or dread
- Rapid breathing or hyperventilation
- Increased or heavy sweating
- Trembling or muscle twitching
- Weakness or lethargy
- Difficulty focusing or thinking clearly
- Insomnia
- Worry thoughts and rumination
Worry thoughts in Generalized Anxiety:
Excessive worry about realistic and every day threats or general obligations. Oftentimes there is mental list-making and a constant running through the mind of what needs to be done next. Sometimes there is worry about things going wrong, being late, or forgetting something important. Those with generalized anxiety often have trouble falling asleep because they are thinking about all that needs to be done, going over their day to ensure they didn’t miss any details, and worry about what could go wrong in the future. Sometimes these worries extend to family members and worrying about their safety or well-being excessively.
Therapy can help uncover underlying causes of worries and fears, predict environmental sensory cues, learn how to relax, view at situations in a less frightening way, and develop better coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills. Virtual therapy and biofeedback can provide a virtual environments to practice skills learned in therapy.
If you struggle with generalized anxiety, contact me for a complimentary consultation.